17813 State Highway 6 S
College Station, Tx 77845

17813 State Highway 6 S
College Station, Tx 77845

Guide to Choosing the Right Golf Car

Knowing what to look for when buying a golf car invokes numerous variables that take time to analyze, especially if it's your first golf car purchase. In our experience serving the golf car needs of College Station, Texas, the fastest way to determine which factors matter most to you is seeing the best options laid out in front of you from the outset.

That's why Aggieland Golf Cars offers a no-pressure shopping experience backed by knowledgeable staff who are more than happy to answer your questions and help you compare the options.

So, how do you choose the best golf car for you? In just a few short minutes, you'll know exactly how.

How to Select the Right Golf Car

Use and Priorities

Knowing what to look for when buying a golf car fully depends on your priorities. Golf cars aren't just for enjoying more time on the green without lugging golf clubs around. They're a bona fide low-speed vehicle, perfect for everything from neighborhood travels and recreation to light errands and homestead work. You can even derive light utility use from more rugged models, featuring options like increased cargo space and extended seating.

If you want to use your golf car on public roads, you'll further need to determine the best golf cars for street use. This often entails racking up higher mileage, meaning more wear and tear. Good suspension and greater power are important for street use, as well as reduced long-term repair costs.

Setting Your Golf Car Budget

Budget is also an important consideration, but it's not as simple as the sticker price. That's because the total cost of ownership depends on the following:

  • Immediate costs (including taxes, registration fees, etc.)
  • Long-term service and maintenance
  • Fuel/recharging costs

Of course, expenses will be partly offset by savings you'll derive on full-sized vehicle costs and other measurable benefits from your all-new (or new-to-you) golf car!

Family in their new Golf Car

Should I Get A New Or Used Golf Car?

The question of new vs. used golf cars brings up many similar considerations related to short- and long-term costs. That's why Aggieland's fully vetted pre-owned options stretch your budget further, making higher-end models from previous years more affordable. At the other end of the spectrum, our brand-new golf cars make the latest features available, starting you off with a perfectly clean slate.

Keep in mind that in the latter case, while you won't need repairs as soon, spare OEM parts will likely cost more. However, this may not matter as much if you have a robust factory warranty. These are just several examples of the costs and benefits involved, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer.

Regardless of the specifics, anyone wondering, "where can I buy a golf car?" can rest assured that the most reliable options will only come from a reputable local dealer specializing in the highest-quality new and pre-owned options in the area.

Gas vs. Electric

Today, golf car buyers have more options at their disposal than ever. That includes several choices between traditional, gas-powered engines or fully electric motors. Both have their advantages, which primarily come down to (A) eliminating standard fuel costs (in the case of electric) or (B) extending your range when away from home (as for gas).

Choosing the Right Golf Car Is Easy With Aggieland Golf Cars!

Deciding exactly what to look for when buying a golf car is much easier once you unpack your reasons. Whether for greater neighborhood mobility, saving on transportation costs, or the sheer fun of riding in the open air with your loved ones, you don't need to search on your own.

Aggieland Golf Cars loves nothing more than sharing the thrill and independence of the golf car lifestyle with any and everyone in the greater College Station and Bryan area. For help selecting the right golf car for you, contact us or peruse our new and used inventory from the comfort of your home.

You can also build your own golf car and outfit it with the exact features that matter most to you.